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Christmas Flower Square 


(Originally published on Wed, 29 Dec 2021)


Though I have spent most of 2021 testing patterns and working on commissions, I managed to design in the second half of the year. In the last month, patterns for two squares, a coaster, a towel topper and a hat are all done - with some awaiting release

When I read about the Love and Joy Blanket CAL 2021, I jumped right in with this square. I knew I wanted to have a flower in the middle to represent the Poinsettia that we get around this time of the year. This is my second pattern for the blanket, the first being Twinkling Lights.  The Christmas Flower Square releases on a special day, a day that brought much joy to the family 24 years ago and everyday since.


Sharing something I read today, from The Book Of Joy, co-authored by Archbishop Tutu and The Dalai Lama. Despite their hardships—or, as they would say, because of them—they are two of the most joyful people on the planet. The Archbishop says "Joy is much bigger than happiness. While happiness is often seen as being dependent on external circumstances, joy is not." With that in mind, I hope we all head into 2022 trying to find Joy for ourselves and not just happiness.

At the end of every year most of us start thinking about our resolutions for the new year and start making our list- only to break most of them in the first few weeks! I have never been one for resolutions but that does not mean no plans are made. Looking at the past year, I think about what I would like to achieve going ahead. And so in 2022 I would like to step on the pedal of pattern designing and blogging.

The Christmas Flower Square is available in my Ravelry Store. The patterns for the 31 squares are by designers from all over the world.

Here's to Joy and Hope for the new year- see you all in 2022!


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