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The Art of Gifting


(Originally published on Mon, 06 Nov 2023)


The idea of gifting is so intrinsic to our nature that we have never stopped to think of how this came about. There does not seem to be much research into this concept and from what I found is that this is as old as the cavemen. There are some records of them giving unusual shaped rocks or animal teeth to strengthen social connections. In ancient India it is believed that they gifted grain, cattle, fabric, pottery and even gold and silver ornaments. Today it has become a social obligation and especially in India we are told "never visit someone, empty-handed". All over the world birthdays and festivals are the time for gifting. In India, Diwali is the big gifting festival- new clothes, jewellery, white goods, home décor, etc. However world over, Christmas has become synonymous with the idea of gifting- no matter what religious background you may have.

Over the years gifting has moved from being a token of strengthening social connections to rather elaborate expensive gifting options. Every retail outlet online or offline, screams big offers to entice you to buy the latest and best gifts for your loved ones. It is that time of the year again when everyone plans their gifting, be it Diwali in India or Christmas world over. Wouldn't it be better to give something hand made, something with a little piece of heart in it?

The Pawsome Coaster pattern is available at a special offer along with 20 other patterns. The coaster resembles a pawprint and is perfect for a paw-parent. They work up quickly and need the smallest amounts of yarn. Make them in festival colours and brighten your homes.

The pattern is available as part of a blog hop hosted by the enormously talented Pam of Carroway Crochet.

Get your copy of the pattern for the Pawsome Coaster here. Check out all the other patterns in my Ravelry Store.




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